My World Pre-School

Nurturing Leaders Since 1994

My World Pre-School is a forward thinking, developmentally appropriate early childhood education provider in Dar es Salaam.

My World Preschool Upanga Campus offers a progressive play-based curriculum for the neighborhood community, based on early childhood research and developmentally appropriate practice.


All the classes are fully equipped with child sized furniture and have access to a large hallway area, which allows children to work in a large space and enables teachers to plan interesting hands-on learning sessions. All classes have ac's and are properly ventilated for fresh air and sunshine. The child adult ratio is 16:4 for the 1.5-3 years class and 16:3 for the 3-6 years classes.

The classes are the children's second homes and contain photos of them and their families. Plants and multicultural artifacts create a warm homelike feel to the environment.


Our library contains an extensive collection of children books for small and large group reading, research resources for project work and reference books for teachers and parents. We also have a large multimedia library which parents are welcome to access.


In order to fully support the love of reading, we have in place a reading program which allows children to take home one book everyday and three books for the weekend. We encourage parents to read to the children from a young age as this is a beautiful bonding time. The home reading program starts from the 1-3 year class.